Thursday, July 12, 2007

Salmonfishing in the river Namsen, July 2007

Hi everyone:-)

Last tuesday I arrived at home from a
4-days trip up north,
me and my fishingbuddys had been
hunting for Salmon in the river Namsen.
This river is one of the greatest salmonrivers
in Norway, and the total catch each year in
this river is about 30000 - 40000 kilogram,
and that is just the rodfishing!

This year i faught big big salmon two times
with my 15 feet doublehanded Fenwick,
lost the fishes both times, the first time
the fish, a 25-30 lbs salmon went deep
and around some sharp rocks and the
line was cutted. The second time
the 20 lbs salmon bend out the hook!

I had great experiences,


Faught many smaller salmons between
3 lbs and 6-7 lbs, landed four of them and
also some seatrouts and browntrouts.
I had some amazing days in the north:-)
My fishingbuddys also got some salmons,
one of them had experiences like me
and faught big salmons and lost them.
They really enjoyed their stay:-)

Have added some photographs,
enjoy them...

Hope you enjoyed the photos, the fishes on the

pics are some of the fishes that I landed,

and as you can see me and my friends had

a great time...


Chris <;))><